Before you can get your commercial driver’s license (CDL), you must have a Department of Transportation (DOT) physical to ensure you can drive without problems. Melonie Parmley, DO, at Open Door Medical Clinic in Great Falls, Montana, provides comprehensive DOT physicals and completes any required paperwork to qualify you for your CDL. If you have any questions about the exam, call the office or use the online booking tool to set up your appointment.

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Who needs DOT physicals?

Anyone who wants to obtain a commercial driver’s license (CDL) or renew their license must have a DOT physical performed by a certified medical examiner. Dr. Parmley is registered with the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners and is qualified to perform DOT examinations.

After Dr. Parmley performs a comprehensive physical exam, she fills out a report form that you will need to obtain your license.

How often do I need DOT physicals?

Most commercial drivers need follow-up DOT physicals every two years to renew their CDL. However, you might need to schedule a physical sooner, depending on when your license expires. Some people need treatments to improve and stabilize health conditions before they can drive.

What happens during a DOT physical?

A DOT examination is very similar to a routine physical exam. However, the difference between them is that a DOT physical focuses on health concerns that affect your ability to drive a commercial vehicle.

Dr. Parmley performs a vision and hearing screening and comprehensive physical exam. She also checks for problems like:

  • Respiratory illnesses
  • Digestive problems
  • Heart disease and stroke
  • Diabetes
  • Seizures
  • Sleep apnea

She also examines your muscles and back, ensuring you don’t have a physical condition that may be aggravated by sitting for long periods of time.

What are some conditions that may disqualify me from a CDL?

It’s important to note that certain health issues can disqualify you from certification, including:

  • Vision and hearing loss
  • Substance use disorder (SUD)
  • Congestive heart failure (CHF)
  • Chronic vertigo or balance issues
  • Epilepsy

Taking any prescription medications that make you feel sleepy or affect your ability to drive may also disqualify you. However, existing health conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure (hypertension) won’t disqualify you as long as your condition is well-managed.

Wearing a pacemaker or having a personal history of coronary bypass surgery aren’t disqualifying factors because they treat an underlying problem. Though, you may not be able to get your CDL if you have an implantable defibrillator.

In some cases, you might be able to get an exemption or undergo additional treatments and tests to qualify you for a CDL. For instance, you may need a skill performance evaluation to demonstrate how well you can drive regardless of issues affecting your legs, feet, arms, and hands.

To obtain more information about DOT physicals, call Open Door Medical Clinic or use the online booking tool today.