Sexual health concerns can impact women in many ways, affecting their mental and emotional well-being. At Open Door Medical Clinic in Great Falls, Montana, Melonie Parmley, DO, provides female sexual dysfunction treatment for issues such as vaginal atrophy, dryness, and laxity, as well as painful intercourse. Learn more about sexual health and how Dr. Parmley can help you by calling or using the online booking tool to set up your appointment.

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What is sexual health?

Sexual health is an area of medicine which focuses on health problems that affect your enjoyment of sexual intercourse. At Open Door Medical Clinic, Dr. Parmley provides comprehensive care for women’s health issues, including sexual dysfunction.

Sexual dysfunction may result from natural changes like menopause. Menopause is the period in a woman’s life when hormone production for estrogen and progesterone becomes imbalanced, causing low libido (reduced sex drive), irritability, and vaginal dryness.

It might also develop from mental health conditions, such as depression. With depression, it causes low mood, a loss of interest in activities, and ongoing feelings of hopelessness. As a result, you may lose interest in sex.

Both men and women can experience sexual issues, but it’s important to know that treatment is available to help.

What are some sexual health issues in women?

Open Door Medical Clinic treats a wide variety of sexual health problems in women, providing effective treatment for:

Vaginal atrophy and dryness

Vaginal atrophy is a condition that develops most commonly during menopause when a decline in natural hormones causes a decrease in vaginal lubrication as well as thinning of the vaginal tissues.

Women with vaginal atrophy typically experience irritation and inflammation in the vagina that can make intercourse extremely painful and increase the risks of both vaginal and urinary tract infections (UTIs).

Vaginal laxity

Like your skin, the tissues lining your vagina change as you get older. Vaginal laxity develops as vaginal childbirth and age-related changes stretch and weaken the tissues.

Painful intercourse

Painful intercourse is especially common among women who are breastfeeding, menopausal, or have undergone a hysterectomy (womb removal) or cancer treatment.

Sexual excitement and intimacy cause the vagina to produce lubrication to aid with intercourse. However, a quarter of women between the ages 50-59 experience vaginal dryness during sex and 16% of them experience pain.

What are some sexual health treatments for women?

Dr. Parmley conducts an exam and may order lab tests to rule out any underlying medical issues. Then, she develops a treatment plan that can help you improve your sexual health. For vaginal dryness, you may benefit from topical creams and ointments to help lubricate the vagina and reduce symptoms like irritation and painful intercourse. Other women benefit from hormone replacement therapy (HRT) using pills, patches, or pellets, to replace hormones lost due to menopause.

Today, there’s also laser therapies that can be used to treat vaginal atrophy and laxity. In these treatments, a wand-shaped device is inserted into the vagina to emit controlled pulses of laser energy to stimulate the production of collagen. Treatments can restore vaginal lubrication while also helping to address issues of vaginal thinning or looseness.

To learn more about your sexual health treatment options, call Open Door Medical Clinic or use the online booking tool today.